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Monday, March 23, 2009

Obama Gives It Back To Cheney

While I do not agree with some of the ways that Obama has dealt with the Republicans in particular, I have to admit his answer to "The Dick" Cheney's remarks regarding his (Obama's) interest in trying to keep our American ideals in tact instead of continuing down the path of becoming that which we profess to hate was smooth.

It's true that sometimes I wish Obama wasn't so nice to these pukes when he puts them in their place. I know. Not very highly evolved of me, but I have just about had enough of these fools. People like Dick Cheney are every bit as dangerous as any other crazy, delusional terrorist that thinks he is right and everyone else is wrong and finds the boundaries of human decency merely a suggestion and one that need not necessarily be heeded if it does not serve the God he created in his own image.

Kim G.
A World Of Progress TeamZine


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Peace Y'all

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