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"Well, I think it needs to be at a central part of our foreign policy. It is who we are. It is one of our best exports, if it is not exported simply down the barrel of a gun. I think a lot of the ways that he[Bush] spoke about it were very eloquent, but I think the mistake that was made is drawing an equivalence between democracy and elections.(emphasis mine)"Get it, friends and neighbors? Simply holding elections does not equal democracy. Democracy is what's supposed to happen between elections. For example, our outgoing Prez'nint decided that he was going to shower the planet with Freedom Juice™. I'm not going to get into an argument over whether what happened next was piss-poor planning or the law of unintended consequences; I'm simply going to point out that Afghanistan is now a narco-state, Iraq has been engaged in religious cleansing for the last three years, Hamas was democratically elected to lead in Gaza, and Hezbollah was democratically elected to lead Lebanon.
"They are one facet of a liberal order, as we understand it. And so in a lot of countries, you know, the first question is, if you go back to Roosevelt's four freedoms, the first question is freedom from want and freedom from fear.If people aren't secure, if people are starving, then elections may or may not address those issues, but they are not a perfect overlay. And if we ignore those things, then oftentimes an election can just backfire or at least won't deliver for the people the kinds of -- it may raise expectations but not deliver what they're looking for"Dig it, folks? Ignoring the real problems that allowed Barack Obama to get elected will blow up in not only his face, but in everyone of ours who worked our asses off to get him elected. Again, the democratic process begins after the election, and doesn't stop after the first hundred days, or the first two years.
We know that this weekend, as well as Monday and Tuesday, will be steeped in history. Both anniversaries and those that will become anniversaries will be celebrated, champagne will flow in America’s capital, followed by cocktails; which will lead to an awkward moment between John King and Anderson Cooper one morning in the CNN suite at the D.C. Hilton.
And one really awkward moment when the 45.7% of Americans who voted Republican will hear the words, “I, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear…”
But that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about.
I wanna revisit how we came to be here- in this moment: 48 hours away from electing America’s first half-black, Muslim, communist, fascist, “messiah”, anti-christ, socialist, corporate shill, Kenyan citizen/British citizen/Indonesian citizen.
A man who is building his own private army to force Marxism on our fair sod, and abort all the babies he can’t make gay.
A man who’s bigoted preacher wasn’t Pat Robertson, Billy Graham, or Jerry Falwell.
A man who said he would sit down and talk with our enemies- sans insulting demands (preconditions, for you righties)- instead of destroying their infrastructure, decimating its civilian population, forcing exile upon the educated and contributing members of their society, and simultaneously create both a com-fucking-pletely ruined view of our country on an international scale and new and exciting places for the terrorists to set up shop.
That one? How the hell did we end up electing that one?
George Walker Bush: 43rd President (R)- TX: First President with a criminal record“This is the largest loss of material into a river I have ever seen,” said Wathen. “It could rank as one of America’s worst environmental disasters in recent history if not the worst. This tops the Susquehanna cave in, the Exxon Valdez, or the Martin County KY Tug River slurry spill.”Arsenic and other toxins weren't the only hostile elements the team met while on the Emory.
Wathen said the groups have been denied access to public roads and escorted out of a waterway by private TVA security police who claimed they were given federal authority through the Patriot act. These are, Watham said, “gestopo tactics intended to scare people away from the truth.”
Along with Donna Lisenby and Sandra Diaz, Watham skirted police lines and took samples. “Cops (were) yelling from both sides,” he said. “The cops in cars could not get to us for the water. The cops in the boat could not reach us for the mud and debris in the river, and the helicopter couldn’t land in the muck to pick us up either.”
That's right, friends and neighbors, the Patriot act somehow gives private security police the right to escort researchers off of public land, which they gained access to by public roads. And who knows? It just might, but I can't find anyone who's read the fuckin' thing...
In 2002, George W. Bush cancelled a health regulation that would have returned the "allowable amount" of arsenic (really? arsenic?) in drinking water to 10ppb. Instead, we have an EPA that, while recognizing the hazards of both arsenic and coal plant waste in print, has no authority to scale back the amount of fucking poison in our drinking water or treat coal ash as a hazard. Under W., the EPA has been turned into a "name only" organization, and it is my sincere hope that the incoming administration will view this agency in a com-fucking-pletely different light.
Yesterday, a second spill occurred at the Widows Creek Coal Plant in Stevenson, Alabama. The TVA initially denied the existence of any toxins in the creek, but 24 hours can make on hell of a difference.
A silvery gray sludge coated the shore in the photos taken at Bellefonte Landing, near a site for which TVA is seeking a permit to build a nuclear power plant.
"This is the same stuff on the shoreline up there at Kingston," said Morgan, who speculated that it came from Widows Creek.
TVA spokesman John Moulton said he didn't believe that whatever Morgan had pictured in photographs was ash or gypsum from either the Kingston or Widows Creek spills.
Ya got that folks? Moulton doesn't think the pictures are from Widows Creek.
He probably thinks that Dick Cheney is a swell fella, too.
'Til Next Time,
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